Vital Baby Nurture Feeding Teats Fast Flow 2 Pack

R 129.99
Benefit Points: 13000
Discovery Miles: 1 300
Credit: from R13 per month
Benefit Points: 13000
Discovery Miles: 1 300
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vital baby® NURTURE™ breast like feeding bottles are:

– Expertly designed to mimic mum’s breast, the teat flexes like mum’s nipple, providing easy latch on.
– Advanced triple anti-colic valves to reduce air intake.
– Silicone is soft and smooth against baby’s delicate face.
– Wide neck bottle is easy to clean and fill.
– BPA-free.

A range of teats with varying flow rates to keep up with your growing baby is available. For hygiene and safety reasons, it is recommended that the teats should be replaced at regular intervals.


When breastfeeding, your nipple naturally flattens when in your baby’s mouth. The vital baby® NURTURE™ breast like teats are designed to mimic breastfeeding, helping avoid bottle confusion and making transition between breast and bottle easier.


The area around the teat that allows the teat to stretch and flex just like mum, making it more comfortable and natural for baby to feed.


Healthcare Professionals agree that the most common cause of colic in young babies is as a result of digestive or feeding problems, which can be directly linked to swallowing air when feeding. Air can be ingested by baby when air enters the bottle and mixes with the milk, and also when baby ingests air while feeding from the teat.
It can be stressful and upsetting for both baby and parents. Typical symptoms of colic include, intense bouts of crying (when they are otherwise well), clenching their fists or drawing up their knees to their tummy.


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