Bath Basics
Bathtime can and should be pure pleasure. Gather all you need ahead of time, ensure a pleasantly warm room and bathwater, have a few towels handy in case of accidents and handle baby with confidence.
Let baby’s feet push up against the end of the bath and drape a wash cloth over the tummy for added security. Hair can be cleaned with a moist cloth or tuck baby under your arm, close ears with the thumb and middle finger of the hand that grasps the head and simply complete the task quickly. Bathing with baby cradled on your lap is a special treat that can be enjoyed every day!

If you need a step-by-step guide!
If baby is hungry, rather feed to quieten the worst of the hunger before bathing.
Organisation is everything! Make sure that you have all necessities at hand before you undress baby.
Prepare the bathwater to a pleasant temperature, testing with the inside of your forearm.
Undress baby and wrap firmly in a fluffy towel, securing arms along the body.
First wash baby’s face while still lying on the work surface, with a special face cloth or cotton wool balls dipped in the clean bathwater.
Wash hair next. Hold baby with the head at a downward angle, tucked securely under your arm. Cradle her head in your hand, your thumb over one ear and your middle finger covering the other to prevent water entering the ear canals. Moisten hair, apply a little shampoo, wash and rinse, dry with a face cloth or small hand towel.
Unwrap baby on the work surface and place in bath. To ensure baby feels secure in the bath and does not cry, let her feet push up against the end of the bath. Hold baby’s furthest arm securely in your hand with her neck lying on your wrist – wash the front of her body with your free hand while she is in this position.
Turn baby over in this way: Grasp the same arm you are holding with your free hand and let her other arm and chest rest over your forearm, helping her into a ‘froggy’ position to wash the back and buttocks.
Once baby is washed all over, grasp him securely around the chest, gently shake off excess water over the bath and quickly wrap him up in the soft towel you have at the ready. Pick him up and dry him as you hold him to avoid tears.
Once baby is happy, dry well in all folds and creases and apply lotions, cream or powder.
Simply dress quickly, despite howls of protest!

Some special tips
Bath baby at any time of day, but sticking to the same time lends rhythm to the day. An evening bath is a good way to signify the end of the day and a morning bath can precede a morning sleep.
Baby can be bathed in a biggish hand basin if the taps are not uncomfortably placed or a baby bath. Choose an option that suits you. Make sure that you have a working surface that is kind to your back.
You do not have to bath baby every day as topping and tailing will do – a bath does help induce peaceful sleep though, pass time and freshen baby nicely.
Dispense all soaps and shampoos into squeeze nozzle bottles that can be easily operated with one hand.
Tidy up as you go along so that you do not have to face a grubby bath scene once the household has settled for the night.
When washing baby’s bottom (using the baby bath) be careful not to tilt baby in such a fashion that you submerge her face in water!
Play soothing music while bathing baby if he is particularly anxious or seems to dislike water.
Observe your baby’s body all over during bath time – this is the one time you get to see all the bits and pieces at the same time and you will pick up anything of concern.
Once you have undressed baby but before bathing, play tickling, roly-poly and other games to delight your little one and ensure a good mood for bathing.